HungryMS | Maplestory private server


We need your help, before we can no longer afford the server.
Currently, our situation is acceptable.

Scroll down for the Donation rewards.

How to donate?
Choose one of the options below, Donations are made via PayPal, I disabled mail donations due Security reasons.
It works NOW!

$ USD - Click Here

€ Euro - Click Here
Acceptable donation ToS

Please ignore that it says "Bring us alive! HungryMS!", Its and old account. our new one got disbanded, (no idea why).
These donations go FULLY for our server. (carestory)
You must donate a minimum of $5.00 to cover PayPal fees.

How do I claim my rewards ?
Send an email to
include this information

1. Date
2. Paypal email/name
3. Account name
4. What you donated for?
5. Amount of donation
6. Character name

And we will deliver the stuff you donated for soon.

Can i gift someone ?
Yes just send the form below to

1. Date
2. Paypal email/name
3. What you donated for?
4. Amount of donation
5. Character name to gift

After you have donated.

I have lost my donation rewards, what shall i do ?
Please send an email to with the following information

1. Receipt of the donation
2. Char name
3. When did you lose the items
4. Why did you lose the items

This doesnt provide u 100% change of getting your items back. If you've bought Character Insurance $10.00 You would get them instantly.

Rewards for Donations:

Guild hideout $5ea/month
Guild hideout, npc warps to special map, only your guild can access it!

Scrolled item ur choice! $5ea.
We will scroll this item for you up to 5k! no NX stuff. sorry

1000 Fame = $5.00
Incress your rank in the CareStory world. also enebles the use of good gear.

Hornt Necklas $5.00ea,
this is a one of a kind necklas. it is the most powerful out there, We will scroll it to 5000 all stats.

Wizet Hat $15.00ea,
This hat is inteeded to be used by the game masters of Care world. but are released to players with 32k all stats!

10 Dragon stone $5.00
This very powerful stone is found deep in the caves of CareStory. it enebles stats to the horned Tailed Necklas..

Sex Change $5.00ea,
People have used this to trick the easy minded.

GM Scrolls 100 = $5.00,
100% chance scrolls to buff up that item you want to a godly stat!

Character Insurance $10.00ea,
This is if server crash's, Or your character is bugged.your character will be remade by US.

GM Powers $60.00ea,
You can buy yourself Game Master powers, meaning you have there commands but have to follow strict rules.

Stat upgrade 1 Max (32000) = $10.00
You can buy points to put into your stats to make youself the almighty warrior!

Character Name Change $5.00ea,
Change the name of the wanted character.

Character Account Move $5.00ea,
Move your character from account to an other account! you wont lose anything.
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